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Education Resources


The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum has created a variety of learning materials available to use to support learning anytime.

First World War Slang

Try out this activity to learn more about the changes that occurred to language among the allied soldiers during the First World War as a result of their experiences.


Learn about the leg wraps known as puttees, which were worn extensively during the First World War by Canadian soldiers. See how to put them on using a tensor bandage and a ribbon in this video.

Activities on Educaplay

Check out the activities we have created on Educaplay including a word search about Canadian Symbols during the First World War and a First World War Cap Badge Memory Game.
Digital fatigue? A printable version of the memory game is available to play with your family.

Future of Tradition: Careers in Heritage and Museums Sector

On 16 November 2020 The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum hosted Future of Tradition: Careers in Heritage. This event featured different aspects of museum work with panellists from around the province. Recordings of each panel are available below as well as an educator guide for complementary activities, just click on the links.

Restoration video recording and Restoration activity.
Exhibitions video recording and Exhibitions activity.
Collections video recording and Collections activity.
Programming video recording and Programming activity.